Rebalancing Engine
Align portfolios to client requirement
Rebalancing portfolios to align with the investment views embedded in model portfolios at scale.
A core portfolio management capability

Business scalability
- Automated alignment to investment models whilst taking client level constraints into account

Order generation
- Proposal generated with bespoke rebalancing engine
- Order management and trade execution supported at the client and block level

Self-care onboarding journey
- Fully industrialized rebalancing / proposal generation process
- Provide new services to your clients
Unlock Empowering Features
Capabilities that drive the rebalancing engine
Keeping Your Portfolio on Track
The system calculates weight deviations between client and model portfolios. Rebalancing can be done automatically or manually
Customizable Rebalancing triggers
Rebalancing triggers can be deviations at position level, asset class level or any other aggregate (sector, geo…)
Flexible Constraint Management
Manage linear constraints such as “do not sell, do not buy” but without ensuring SAA as defined in the model portfolio. Manual action by the banker is required
Rebalancing with Embedded Characteristics
Characteristics of a rebalancing (minimum trade amount, etc…) are embedded within the algorithm avoiding any unnecessary validation
Customizable Rebalancing algorithm
Rebalancing algorithm can be customized (ex: HVB Premium Invest, take local specificities)
Unlock ESG Capabilities
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