ALTO Employee Savings and Retirement
Manage savings and retirement schemes in a single platform
A scalable “Front-to-Back” employee savings and retirement platform for banking and insurance groups.

Assets under Administration
Partners with 3 ESR Custodians and 2 Insurers for collective retirement

One platform to meet the needs of account holders and their clients

End-to-end coverage
Across the entire operational value chain of employee savings and retirement

A Flexible Solution
For all types of accounts and configurable according to customer needs

Cloud Platform
Hosted in Amundi Technology infrastructure and guaranteeing infrastructure scalability and connectivity with partners

Fast and Efficient
In implementation and use

Combined ESR Solutions with Amundi ESR Industry Expertise

A dedicated ESR expert
A single contact in the Employee Savings and Retirement professions

Deep industry experience
Integration project experience in Employee Savings and Employee Retirement

Modular and Scalable
Adapted to the saving tax and retirement wrappers, by account custodians operating model, and aligned with tax regulations

Segregated data
Each Account custodian has its own data referential and manage it autonomously
A suite of capabilities to cover your full functional requirements
01 Front Office
- Subscription / Redemption on multi-products and tax wrappers
- Arbitrages and Transfers
- Client Onboarding
02 Back Office
- Collective and Individual Operations Management
- Order booking with automated workflow
- Operational risk control on stock market order
03 Automated workflow
- Documents publishing (statements, reporting)
- Data flow with financial institutions partners and banks
04 Regulatory and Fiscal Reporting
- Adapted to the local regulation
- Fee Management

ALTO Investment
Manage all assets in a global end-to-end platform
Best-of-breed technology that fits your business requirements, with rich functional coverage
cross the investment management value chain and deep industry expertise.
- Portfolio Analysis
- Order Management
- ESG Metrics
- Risk & Performance
- Dealing
- Pre and Post Trade Compliance Checks
- Client Reporting
ALTO Wealth and Distribution
Wealth management enabled in a single platform
A scalable end-to-end solution with comprehensive capabilities to suit
retail banking and wealth management firms.
- Model / Target Creation
- Portfolio Optimisation
- Advisory Proposals
- Portfolio Rebalancing
- Risk & Performance
- Client constraints / preference management
- Pre and Post Trade Compliance Checks
- Client Level Allocation
ALTO Sustainability
Invest with purpose and impact
Our cloud-based solution provides a single point of access for all sustainable data,
transforming market analytics into unique ESG datasets.
- ESG Scoring
- Bespoke ESG Indicators
- ESG Metrics
- Biodiversity Metrics
- Climate Reporting
- Impact Measurement
- Managed Data Service
- Regulatory Standards (SFDR, Taxonomy...)
ALTO Asset Servicing
A service providing cutting-edge capabilities
A solution supporting the business of Asset Servicers covering
Investment Compliance Oversight, Portfolio Analysis and Reporting.
- Portfolio Analysis
- Regulatory and Statutory Rule Design
- Breach management workflow
- Monitoring and Controlling breaches
- Client Reporting
- Multiple Data Source Integration
ALTO Employee Savings and Retirement
Manage savings and retirement schemes in a single platform
- Subscription and Redemtion
- Collective & Individual Operations
- Client Onboarding
- Arbitrages & Transfers
- Order Booking
- Documents Publishing
- Regulatory & Fiscal Reporting
- Multi-products and Tax Wrappers